The Sisters in Spirit Women’s  Ministry Conference offers a one day respite from your daily routine, with opportunity for spiritual reflection, fellowship with other women of faith, and some just plain fun! Women of all ages are invited to come and experience their own “Journey to Restoration”.  Our 2012 conference promises to be particularly spirit, soul and body – stirring and motivating. Our guest speaker,  Rev. Lisa Danielle Jenkins and Min. Roslyn M. Allen will offer great insight and tools for restoring our soul, spirit and body in our busy world and lives. We pray that you will join us on this powerful roadtrip and have your heart restored by the knowledge of God’s truth.

1 Thessalonians 5:23 – 24

The Message (MSG)

 May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together—spirit, soul, and body—and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ. The One who called you is completely dependable. If He said it, He”ll do it!

To type and submit an electronic copy of  your registration you may click this link now. To print  a copy  and submit, click the Conference Registration Form.  Click the image below to view and print a copy of the conference flyer to share with a friend. You may also click on this YouTube video link to view the conference invitation by First Lady Nikki Jones.

Christmas Giveaway
five below flyer

“I give you a new commandment; that you should love one another. Just as I have loved you, so you too should love another.” John 13:34

This special event is hosted by Sisters in Spirit ministry. It is a wonderful day to minister to the ladies of our local community through a day of pampering and relaxation.

To God be the glory!!

“Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your requests known to God.” Philippians 4:6

As the sun shines brightly on this new day that God has made, I’m reminded that we were created to bring glory to God.  We should be in daily communication with our Creator and consistently seeking direction from the One who has the master plan for our lives.  That daily communication is PRAYER. But there are times when we allow our thoughts or misconceptions about prayer to prevent us from engaging in a life sustaining spiritual discipline. God wants our relationships and communication Him to be simple, but the enemy has oftentimes twisted our thinking about prayer to the point where we shun it rather than embrace it.  The enemy knows that if you’ve got prayer, you’ve got much power!

Think about it.  Why would God create us for communication and fellowship with Him and then make it complicated to actually do it?  Therein lies the untruth…God has not complicated anything; He has made a simple and enjoyable way for us to pray and enjoy spending time with Him. The enemy wants you to believe that prayer has to take a long time and that we must follow a specific formula to get it right every time we attempt to pray. We believe there are rules & regulations around how to open up our mouths and hearts to communicate with our God.  Little seeds of doubt creep in when we try to muster up the courage to pray aloud and then there is the age old trick of trying to convince us that we really are not worthy enought to be talking to God anyway and that we cannot hear God’s voice. Distractions are a common tool used to discourage the believer from communicating with God. For these reasons, we often feel that prayer is so difficult and unfruitful that we retreat and then rarely do it at all.

But thanks be unto God that all of those lies are exposed as being just that – LIES!  The truth is that when we pray, we not only feel a release in our soul that we’ve been able to share what’s on our heart, but God is pleased that we’ve carved out time to actually talk to Him .  The good news is that our perception about prayer is just that – perception.  And perceptions can be changed.  Why not start today with praying simple, heartfelt prayers in faith and  commit to taking 10 minutes to share with God and then a few moments of praise.  Start the next time with praise and then sitting silently in expectation that God will speak to your heart as only He can. Be assured that God hears and answers your prayers.  The best formula I know is K.I.S.S. = Keep It Simple Sister!!!

S.I.S. had our monthly prayer gathering on this past Tuesday evening and the power of agreement in prayer was just amazing!  We prayed to God each in our own way, we sang songs of praise, we read/prayed through the scriptures that were relavent for certain situations.  We were CREATIVE in our communication with God.  There’s no one single right way when it comes to communicating with our Heavenly Father as long as we come with a humble heart and recognizing that it’s because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that we have direct access God. If praying the Lord’s prayer is what you were taught as a young girl and that’s  your entrance into dialogue – go for it!  If you feel more comfortable praying through Psalm 23 – go for it! And even if you feel the urge to intercede (pray for; stand in the gap) on someone’s behalf with a prayer that bellows from your very soul – go for it!  Got prayer?  Got power!!

Meet us at our next prayer gathering on May 17th at 7 pm in the sanctuary at FBC.  I guarantee your prayer and faith muscles will get a good workout!

Loving you to LIFE,

Nikki J.

Greetings and happy Wednesday my dear Sisters In Spirit!

I’m still on such a high from Friday night’s installment of “The View from The Hill”!  The Lord visited us mightily as sisters from all seasons of life shared in a night of laughter, insight, prayer and genuine fellowship as we talked about issues around the topic of the night Confession.  “The View from The Hill” is a new ministry platform hosted by S.I.S. to bring sisters together with varying points of view on issues and “hot topics” that affect us in our everyday lives in an attempt to break down the barriers between generations and truly bring about healing through sharing of wisdom and life experiences and then pulling it all back to The Word of God which should always be our guiding light.  The format is somewhat unconventional when you think of ministry at the church. We’ve chosen a moderated panel discussion platform with interactive audience participation, always making room for the Holy Spirit to move in our discussions, with the end result being lives and perspectives being changed for the better.  Views and questions are shared in an atmosphere where no one is condemned and where everyone feels the love of Christ permeating the very atmosphere .  As a short recap, the Sisters gathered and talked about:

  • Why does the bible tells us to confess one to another according to James 5:16?
  • Who do we confess to? 1 John 1:9
  • Are we able to handle someones confession? without judgement?
  • What should we do or expect after we confess? John 8:11
  • Isn’t just confessing to God good enough? 
  • Does confession lead to forgiveness? 1 John 1:9
  • What if someone uses your confession against you?
  • What happens when we have unconfessed sin? (effects on ourselves and others)
  • Does confessing eliminate the repercussions? What are the benefits of confessing? 
  • Okay, I confessed now what..? Do it again and confess again? 

Now, one of the hard and fast rules of engagement at “The View” is whatever happens here, stays here!  So that means, we can’t share exactly what took place as we want to create an atmosphere of safety, trust and transparency in an effort to build relationships.  But what we can say is if you missed this one, YOU MUST PLAN NOW TO JOIN US NEXT TIME!!!

A huge thank you to the guest panelists from Friday night representing the 20 somethings on up to the 60+ seasoned sisters : Christina Reddick, Mae Jones, Burnice Saye & Michelle Harris.  A special S.I.S. shout out to our production head Shasta Baxter for the beautiful set design and set up of the overall flow of the evening including praise & worship.  Well done Sis.!! And of course Deacon in Training Cheryl Ross who is led and directed by the Holy Spirit to select our guest panelists for the evening, Deborah Foster for having our audio in tip-top shape & Anicee Monfleury for keeping us up to speed on our e-communications and advertising for the event.  Deacon Delores Bennett, Deacon in Training Sandy Byrd and Elder-Elect Lila Gilchrist fed us until we were all stuffed with the wonderful pasta dinner, garlic bread, salad and fruit. I’m just overwhelmed to see the level of excellence in teamwork that made the dream work!!! Blessings to each of you for allowing the Lord to use you to bring ministry to the sisters of FBC! Stay tuned for our next installment which is scheduled for June 24, 2011 at 7:30 pm. Please let us know if you would like to be a guest panelist by emailing  Talk back to us Sisters and let us hear your feedback on this exciting new ministry!

Loving you to LIFE,

First Lady Nikki J.

Good Monday morning S.I.S.! 

It was so good to see so many sisters yesterday in worship.  It was even better to be in the presence of the Lord and to witness yet again, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit over the church.  Lives are being forever changed as we grow closer in our relationship with the Lord and one another.  Continue to be INTENTIONAL about praying for one another and truly asking “how are you doing?” and then waiting for a response.  Don’t just smile and walk away thinking you’ve done your Christian duty!  Wait for the Holy Spirit to confirm whether your conversation is an invitation for the Lord to use you to minister to another sister or brother.  We are one in the Spirit.

I received this devotional today from Alicia Britt Chole, author of the phenomenal book “Anonymous – Jesus’  hidden years – and Yours”.  Just wanted to share as she addresses something that we deal with on a daily basis in our everyday lives – the choice to do nothing or do something.  Read and let me know your thoughts.

Loving you to LIFE and praying your day is fruitful in every way possible.

Nikki J.


from Alicia Britt Chole’s Intimate “Conversations”

 We babied them. Prayed for them. Nurtured and protected them. And after three years our strawberry plants had produced TWELVE strawberries.

But over in the corner of the garden….there was this weed.

We did not baby it. We never prayed for it. We neither nurtured nor protected it. And overnight the thing was 3 feet tall!

Hardly fair.

But the sad truth is that the weed had an unfair advantage: weed seeds are indigenous to the soil. Our strawberry plants were the foreigners, grafted in, purposefully planted, struggling to survive in a non-native environment.

We sense the same discrepancy in our lives.

Why is it that we can baby, pray for, nurture, and protect “seeds” like patience, grace, humility, giving, and forgiving and after 12 years of labor these spoiled seeds seem to only produce twelve strawberries?

But over in the corner…there are these weeds called “a critical spirit,” “bitterness,” “pride,” “jealousy,” “impurity,” “rage.” We do not baby them. We certainly never pray for them. We neither nurture nor protect them. Yet, overnight the things are 3 feet tall!

Hardly fair.

The sad truth is that the weeds in our lives also have an unfair advantage: sin seeds are indigenous to our soil, to our humanity. The fruit of the Spirit is the foreigner, grafted in, purposefully planted, struggling to survive in a rocky, broken land.

As I said, hardly fair. The fruit requires so much effort and labor. But the weeds only ask for one thing.

The only thing we have to do to let weed seeds entirely flourish in our lives is NOTHING. Simply nothing.

And doing nothing is a choice.

For Discussion & Reflective Journaling

    1. What weeds are currently frustrating you? Impatience? Worry? Fear? Take a few moments to survey your garden and identify weeds that are consuming your resources in this season of life.

    3. Take this evaluation one step further. Ask yourself if there are choices you are making that give these weeds permission to flourish. For example, perhaps someone is wrestling with bitterness. They want it out of their garden but at least once a day they permit themselves to relive that old wound. Each time we replay old hurts and offenses, we feed weeds in our hearts. Perhaps with a journal in hand, prayerfully ask Jesus to reveal choices you are making that enable weeds to remain strong in your life.


    5. Ask Jesus to forgive you for using your finite resources to nourish weeds in your life. Invite Him to uproot those weeds and in their place plant the fruit of the Spirit. Consider the following passage from Galatians 5.19-24 as you take your discoveries to the cross:
    6. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.”





Ummm, ummmmm, GOOD!  The S.I.S. ministry had an awesome time last night in fellowship with one another as we watched “Blood Done Signed My Name” on the new flat screen TV and enjoyed fried fish, coleslaw, cornbread, grits and fresh fruit for dinner!  It was indeed a pleasure to be among so many sisters.  A HUGE thank you to Elder-Elect Lila Gilchrist, Sis. Carolyn Munnerlynn, Sis. Deborah Foster, Sis. Sandy Byrd and Sis. Anicee Montfleury for serving and coordinating our March Ladies Night Out.  If anyone has pictures to share, please post them here or send them to and we can post them on the blog to share with everyone.

Praying everyone had a great time! 

Blessings to you and look forward to seeing you in worship on tomorrow.

Nikki J.

Greetings my Sisters Beloved, 

I am so delighted to share with you yet another mode of cutting-edge communication coming to you from the Sisters In Spirit Ministry (S.I.S.)!  Welcome to our new blog specifically designed for us to share as a community of sisters.  We hope that this blog will serve as a way that we can communicate in between our face to face interactions on Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights and our monthly Saturday gatherings.  So please feel free to share your thoughts, ideas, concerns, prayer requests and praise reports.  We will also use this blog to discuss our current book study Women Risktakers by Dr. Patricia Bailey-Jones.  We are studying our first portrait of a risktaker, Hagar. If you have not been able to join us for the last 2 sessions, you are just in time to catch up on our lesson right here on the blog!

There is an event calendar to keep you up to date on the latest happenings with the S.I.S. ministry, our weekly mid-day reflections and other postings that may be of interest to you are posted as well so that we grow together on this Christian journey.  Give us your feedback and let us know what you would like to see.

Be encouraged my sisters, for the Lord is at work in us and around us at this very moment.  Won’t you join us in prayer during this lenten season as we turn inward and really commit to strengthening the relationship we have with God?  Be intentional about showing your love for God and showing your love for everyone in your life.  This life we have to live is but a blade of grass, so why not make the most out of the time that we have been so graciously given. I’m expecting our awesome God to minister to our hearts during this new season – GREAT EXPECTATIONS!

Loving you to LIFE,

Nikki M. Jones

”Reaching the City for Jesus Christ, One Family, One Heart, One Soul, One Mind at a Time”. … Matthew 28:19-20

S.I.S. Calendar

May 2024